Managing a school is not an easy work. It revolves around the different areas of concern. These are namely:
- student development
- curriculum development
- physical facilities
- staff development
- research
It’s all about teachers thought, experiences and observations of daily school life.
Managing a school is not an easy work. It revolves around the different areas of concern. These are namely:
Teachers are said to be the strongest influence in the life of every child, therefore they need to learn how to communicate sensibly because they served as role-model to them. When teachers talk and speak in front of the class, he projects his personality, values and attitudes that’s why he must be careful in sharing his ideas, opinions and beliefs to his learners.
If teachers want to inspire his pupils, he must consider the following suggestions to become an effective communicator/speaker: Continue reading “A Challenge to Teachers: The Art of Communication”
I’m not so good, but I try to be one. So here are some tips to be considered a good student in and out of:
Time is an invaluable resource freely bestowed to everyone. Each of us has been given 24 precious hours to spend everyday.
Now let’s learn from them and be a better mentor.
So from now you should learn that proper time management is one of the secrets of being a successful mentor. It is not a guarantee that we can be rich in this profession. But it will definitely make us fulfilled teacher.
Teachers as second parents must act as motivator for pupils to develop good study habits but unfortunately nowadays teachers are facing hindrances and difficulty in motivating pupils to listen and study effectively. They have to find ways as well as different strategies to convince pupils to develop their urge to study. Reinforcements and rewards became the language of teachers just to captive pupils’ attention. Here are some ways of encouragement for good study habits: Continue reading “10 Ways of Encouragement for Successful Study Habits”
You are a teacher. You must be happy with your profession. A teacher must be properly nourished. “A healthy, happy life starts with proper nutrition.” It further affirms that proper nutrition is the key to healthy and happy future.
It emphasizes the belief that what we build on today will determine a happy and healthy tomorrow for everyone. To attain better health and live longer, a teacher must:
All of us often encounter confusion about our values. But for our kid’s today, conflicts on values are more acute. With these, how can they learn to live decently and with integrity when the world surrounding him is full of conflict. Thus, the school must give importance in the values formation of each learner because next to the church and the home, the school is served as an influential institution in molding the attitudes of a person.
School must then offer relevant experiences and curriculum to their learners that they would be able to face the challenges and realities of life. Schools must focus on providing not only the best education to their pupils but the best training and the best formation to their pupils. Yet at present, most schools are centered in just giving head knowledge to their learners and often set aside the values formation of their pupils. Continue reading “The Role of the School in Values Formation”
An ideal student is one who study well, who do well in his environment, modest in his behaviour, honest in his thoughts and actions, obedient to his parents and other elders and possess discipline at all times.
Below are some of the characteristics of an ideal student: Continue reading “A Model Student”
One of the most crucial skills that have to be developed in the individual’s initial stage of formal education in reading.
The nature of present day life is such that a person can hardly exist without being able to read. Everybody knows that reading is the primary avenue to knowledge. One must forever learn more and reason more. Reading helps to accomplish this. It is the most important task of learning and all lessons in school need reading. A pupil who loves to read well becomes independent, well informed and eventually becomes a better citizen. Success in reading therefore, is success in school, and in future life.
Reading is the most important subject to be learned by children. Children will learn little in today’s world if they do not first learn to read properly. Surveys show that non or poor readers become the delinquent, the unemployed or the misfit in the society.
In our modern technological world, one would think if there are still dedicated and committed teachers because most of us are advancing in so many things and in so many ways but sad to say not in terms of values. Based on recent studies, teachers today lose their passion in teaching and some of them were unsuited in personality resulting to unsatisfactory learning outcomes.
Our modern world must bring challenges to our educators that they need to become good and inspiring teachers who will make an impact not only in the community but above all, in the lives of the youth, the hope of our country. Teachers today must learn how to motivate their learners regarding the important roles that they play in the condition of our present government. We also need innovative and creative teachers who can provide quality education to our pupils.
Though a lot of advances are seen around, teachers must remain the same, armed with “Passion” and “Mission” of educating and transforming lives.